EPOS Tsunami Thematic Core Services

Data Products Software Services for science and coastal hazard management

IRB logo

Stochastic assessment of meteotsunami hazard

Code to generate meteotsunami-driven at sensitive harbour locations in the Adriatic Sea depending on 7 stochastic variables.

Hosted by: IRB, Croatia.
NGI logo

Amplification factor method

Database and scripts for provision of tsunami amplification factors for rapidly determining tsunami inundation height uncertainty.

Hosted by: NGI, Norway
UniNA logo

Numerical computation of stochastic slip distributions

A Python software that generates sets of stochastic slip distributions on pre-determined fault geometries. It can be used both for PTHA (computing as many as possible scenarios for a specific region) and for PTF (computing scenarios compatible with a preliminary source characterization).

Hosted by: UniNA, Italy
NGI logo

Finite volume code for simulating flow for a Hershel-Bulkley fluid

The global 1 min sea-level dataThe global 1 min sea-level dataset-MISELA is encompassing quality-checked records of nonseismic sea-level oscillations at tsunami timescales (T < 2 h) obtained from 331 tide-gauge sites.

Hosted by: NGI, Norway
IFremer logo

Numerical model for simulating stochastic slip on non-planar faults

Programme that rapidly generates stochastic fractal slip distributions on non-planar faults which are represented by an unstructured mesh.

Hosted by: Ifremer, France.
Landslide HySEA
UMA logo

Numerical model of the HySEA family designed for landslide generated tsunami simulations

This code implements a 2D coupled system composed of two models, one for the slide material represented by a Savage-Hutter type of model and the water dynamics model is represented by the fully non-linear shallow-water equations. A dispersive, weakly coupled version of the model is also available.

Hosted by: UMA, Spain
GFZ logo

Application to simulate tsunami generation and propagation in the context of early warning

Application to simulate tsunami generation and propagation in the context of early warning.

Hosted by: GFZ, Germany
INGV logo

Computation tools for PTF based on pre-computed tsunami DBs

This Matlab suite of codes implements the Probabilistic Tsunami Forecasting (PTF) method based on pre-computed tsunami DBs. It is preset for using the DB developed by NEAMTHM18, implementing tsunami forecasts for near-field tsunami warning in the Mediterranean sea.

This Matlab suite of codes implements the Probabilistic Tsunami Forecasting (PTF) method based on pre-computed tsunami DBs. It is preset for using the DB developed by NEAMTHM18, implementing tsunami forecasts for near-field tsunami warning in the Mediterranean sea.
Universidad de Malaga

Tsunami model benchmarking in the NEAM region

Benchmarking web-page and dataset for (mostly) field test cases in the NEAM region for seismic and landslide generated tsunamis. Laboratory experiments not available anywhere else are also included.

Hosted by: UMA, Spain
under construction

Workflow devoted to tsunami simulations in the framework of the ChEESE project

This service will increase the size of the problems by increasing spatial resolution and/or producing longer simulations while still computing FTRT for TEWS including inundation for a particular target coastal zone.

Hosted by: UMA, Spain
under construction

Workflow devoted to local tsunami hazard in the framework of the ChEESE project

This service will leverage the existing TSUMAPS-NEAM hazard assessment for offshore tsunami hazard as input to local hazard on high resolution grids. The user may provide their own grids. For extensive use, this service will necessitate large scale HPC resources.

Hosted by: UMA, Spain
under construction

Workflow devoted to probabilistic tsunami forecasting in the framework of the ChEESE project

Workflow devoted to probabilistic tsunami forecasting in the framework of the ChEESE project.

Hosted by: INGV, Italy
INGV logo

Tsunami Time Series from linear combination of Precomputed Gaussian Elementary Sources

TS-GAUSS is a Virtual Access service which provides a rapid method to model tsunami propagation for a set of predefined points of interest (POIs) using a dataset of pre-calculated tsunami waveforms. This web application exploits the concept of the surface Green's functions described in Molinari et al., 2016, and consists of two consequent steps: (1) simulation of the initial tsunami conditions for an arbitrary seismic source and (2) linear combination of Gaussian-shaped elementary sources uniformly distributed across the Mediterranean Sea.

Hosted by: INGV, Italy