Sea level station monitoring facility data
The sea level monitoring facility (http://www.ioc-sealevelmonitoring.org/) collects and processes in real time data from 1028 sea level measuring stations operated by 164 institutes (station operators) world wide. The system was build and is operated by Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) for UNESCO as part of the GLOSS program of IOC. The station operators push the raw data to the SLMF using different data protocols : the WMO GTS, FTP push, HTTP and even Email. The data is parsed in real-time and stored in the database. The SLMF redistributes the parsed real time data through a series of interfaces ( webpages, a rest API, or the GTS) to the different users, including the Tsunami warning centers, the station operators and the scientific community. The SLMF database contains the sealevel data, but also metadata, contact information and configuration data about the different stations and their sensors. The team at VLIZ, the station operators and the Tsunami warning centers, maintain the configuration data.
Hosted by: VLIZ, Belgium

Catalogue of Euro-Mediterranean Tsunamis
The EMTCv2 catalogue provides a collection of 290 tsunamis generated in the European and Mediterranean seas from 6150 B.C. to 2014, classified by the generating cause, whereas the ITED database furnishes a collection of evidence documenting the tsunami effects observed along the Italian coasts.in the European and Mediterranean seas from 6150 B.C. to 2014, classified by the generating cause, whereas the ITED database furnishes a collection of evidence documenting the tsunami effects observed along the Italian coasts.
Hosted by: INGV, Italy

Catalogue of submarine landslides of the Euro-Mediterranean Region
The Euro-Mediterranean Submarine land Slide database (EMSS21) is a catalogue of submarine landslides of the Mediterranean Sea and the European continental margins of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. The catalogue is compiled from data available in the literature as well as information collected from geophysical data and not published in the scientific literature. The data set includes polygons and polylines for the landslide deposits and landslide scars and information relative to age, volume, area, runout, typology, geological setting, depth, slope, inferred trigger mechanism, relationship to fluid flow as well as the relevant metadata. The catalogue aims to offer improved understanding of mass-wasting processes, the potentially resulting tsunamis and derived geohazard.
Hosted by: CSIC, Spain

Minute sea-level analysis global dataset
The global 1 min sea-level dataThe global 1 min sea-level dataset-MISELA is encompassing quality-checked records of nonseismic sea-level oscillations at tsunami timescales (T < 2 h) obtained from 331 tide-gauge sites. The dataset can be accessed from the Marine Data Archive.
Hosted by: IRB, Croatia

The ASTARTE Paleotsunami Deposits database—NEAM region is a relational geographic database comprising a total of 151 sites and 220 tsunami evidence (events) recorded for the whole North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean seas region. The database structure is characterised by two main tables: Site and Event (tsunami).
Hosted by: INGV, Italy

Tsunami Observation Points Data Base for Eastern Mediterranean
This is a parametric DB which compiles detailed data about the Observation Points (OP) of past tsunamis. For each past tsunami the DB includes the name and geographical coordinates of each separate OP as well as corresponding tsunami parameters like wave height, run-up etc in each OP. At the same time, the corresponding intensity characterization (in 12-point scale) is included. So far, we have compiled and mapped OP data for the 9 July 1956 tsunami, which is the largest observed in Eastern Mediterranean in the last centuries. This service advances the already published tsunami catalogues and the relevant webDBs created by INGV.
Hosted by: Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Tsunami Impact Data Base for Greece
This DB is a parametric compilation of data about the various types of tsunami impact in Greece, such as fatalities, injuries, damage in buildings and damage in vessels. So far this DB contains data for the time period from AD 1800 to 2020. Parameters of the seismic and other tsunami sources are also included.
Hosted by: Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece