EPOS Tsunami Thematic Core Services

Data Products Software Services for science and coastal hazard management

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European Tsunami Risk Service

ETRiS provides researchers with data and tools (e.g., tsunami consequence data, vulnerability models, software for data post-processing and visualization) useful for probabilistic tsunami risk assessment (PTRA). ETRiS aims at provision of DDSS with specific attention to multi-hazard exposure and vulnerability and multi-risk research questions.

Hosted by: UCL, England
Global Tsunami Hazard Dataset
NGI logo

This dataset consists of the tsunami part of the Global Risk model, and consists of a combination of probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment (PTHA), and GIS analysis for providing tsunami inundation maps. The data are provided for a return period of 500 years. The maps are projected on open source topographic data. The PTHA analysis contains a range of different steps, including simulations of thousands of scenarios, and is documented in the following references Tsunami exposure is calculated by combining a global population dataset (GRUMP) with STRM terrain model and projected tsunami inundation heights using global amplification factors.

Hosted by: NGI, Norway.
NEAMTHM18 logo

Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Model for the NEAM Region

The NEAM Tsunami Hazard Model 2018 (NEAMTHM18) is a time-independent probabilistic hazard model for tsunamis generated by earthquakes. The online data covers the coastlines of the North-East Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and connected Seas (NEAM).

Hosted by: INGV, Italy.
under construction

Tsunami Structural Engineering Analysis Hub

TSEA-Hub makes accessible and provides training materials on tools for structural analysis of different buildings and infrastructure. These tools range from field data collection tools and forms for pre-event vulnerability assessment and post-event damage assessment, different risk and vulnerability indices for the prioritisation of strengthening etc interventions, and codes for structural analysis of individual structures.

Hosted by: UCL, England.